Washington DC
Kishi Bashi: A Love Note
Dear Kishi,
I honestly can’t decide if I want to be you or wed you. However, considering the fact that I can’t pull off a bow-tie like you can, I’m going to opt for marriage and let you wear the pants (and ties). I’ve always loved your music (I fell in love with Bright Whites first) but seeing you perform live just sealed the deal. Your beat-boxing skills, fiddling prowess, and dapper denim-and-tie look are impeccable. Your on-stage charisma is irresistible and your smile is swoon-inducing. On the off chance you don’t accept my proposal, please think of me, at least, when you play your trademark love song (and my new favorite tune) “I am the Anti-Christ to You.” It’s a keeper.
PS – Your new CD, 151a, is gonna rock.
Loney Dear: Break-Up Text
LD: Not into you but like your accordion. Next time plz wear shoes on stage.
Of Montreal: Thank You Letter
Dear Kevin Barnes and crew,
I’m not going to lie: I went into your show with super low expectations. I’ve heard your spectacles are simultaneously over and underwhelming and I was not prepared to be impressed. And, real talk real time, I did have some complaints. First, I was, in part, overwhelmed. Your stage full of band members, random performers, mimes, balloons, and multiple TV screens boggled my mind. Second, I was, in a way, underwhelmed. Your selection of songs was largely unknown to me and I didn’t get to sing along as much as I’d like (although I did appreciate your rendition of “Spiteful Intervention).
But, overall, I totally enjoyed myself. I appreciated your punctuality, your non-stop pace, and your inventive eye-catching tricks (although at times I was literally dizzy from the flashing lights and uncoordinated screen displays). And Robert Barnes, you look better in blue eye-shadow than any woman I’ve ever seen. Kudos to you, Sir.
So – thanks.