(Toronto) Last Wednesday my girlfriend Karen and I went down to see Laura Barrett and Valery Gore at the Horseshoe. I have been hearing Valery Gore’s song Worried Head for a couple of months now and really enjoying it. Also, since my secret crush Laura Barrett was opening up, AND because Karen was OK accompanying me to see my secret crush, I had high hopes for this show.
I was first introduced to Laura Barrett back in 2003 when we were both volunteering for the NXNE music festival here in Toronto. I noticed her carrying her bicycle helmet and wearing her plaid pants into our festival volunteer meeting. When I say ‘introduced’ to her, I really mean observed from a far because I couldn’t think of anything witty to say to her at the time. I probably still couldn’t today.
Now I must admit, my initial review of last Wednesday night had a few comments about how hot Valery Gore and Laura Barrett are mixed in with how great the show was. I mean sure, Valery Gore and Laura Barrett are both very attractive women. I then began to wonder how often they get reviewed where there isn’t any mention of their physical appearance in the review. Probably not very often. Does this take away from their musical talent? Do guys only go to their show to gawk at them?
The day after the show, I was directed to a Globe And Mail article on Laura Barrett with the title This Thumb Plucker Is One Sexy Nerd. A quick glance through the comments and you will see a brief discussion regarding the use of the word ‘sexy’ in the articles title and how it relates to the music of Laura Barrett.
So what is my point here? I’m not exactly sure except that I felt like a dirty old man mentioning the physical properties of Laura and Valery in this post. It happens a lot and maybe it isn’t a big deal, but maybe it is? I guess I am just aware of it now.
Today I woke up and read this review on BlogTO of the all male, Halifax based band, The Darcys, Saturday night show at the Horseshoe.
“…it doesn’t hurt that these guys are so easy on the eyes, and snappy dressers too.”
Pftt…guys being objectified. Fuck me I guess.
Laura Barrett – Robot Ponies. Man, this song rocks. Lyrically, it is kind of out there but if you really listen to it, it makes total sense. Yes, they would have nylon fur and eat plastic bags. The swimming ponies would have to be airtight. If you can justify using the word fuck in a song about robot ponies, you have my vote.