On Sunday, March 16, after five days of beer, BBQ, and bands, I was all set to fly back home and return to reality. Of course, the universe had other plans and I woke up that morning to the bad news that my flight back home had been cancelled. After a bit of a stressful morning, things got worked out and a flight back home the next day was procured. So now, stuck in Austin for an extra day, I figured I might as well make the most of it. As the old saying goes, when life gives you lemons … grab a Lone Star and go see some more bands. No, no … I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how the saying goes.
While SXSW programming officially ends on the Saturday, there’s been a tradition over the years of various venues hosting “hangover” days where bands who are still in town play one more unofficial show before heading out of town. Like the many unofficial showcases that happen during the week, this gives those acts who stuck around one more chance to get themselves noticed beyond whatever official shows they may have done. And with nothing to do but wait until my rescheduled flight took off, I headed over to Hotel Vegas to take in a few more acts on that final Sunday, catching sets from Touch Girl Apple Blossom, youbet, and University.
I entered the venue just as Touch Girl Apple Blossom were getting underway, and the Austin-based band offered up an enjoyable set of jangly indie pop that reminded me of Julie Doiron at times. Following them on the Hotel Vegas stage were Brooklyn trio youbet, who were likely one of the more prolific bands of this year’s SouthBy, announcing that they were playing their ninth show of the week before leaving early Monday morning to catch a 3:00am bus to Houston because it was cheaper than flying out of Austin. I get it, SXSW can get pretty pricey.
The band who made the strongest impression on me on that final day was Crewe, UK-based post-punkers University. With a frantic, jerky sound that seemed to be constantly on the verge of going in any direction, the band definitely had my attention from the get go.
Also grabbing my attention was the fourth member of the band, a fellow who doesn’t play any instruments and simply sat onstage while the other three played. His main job seemed to be sitting down cross legged and looking at his phone while wearing a balaclava and a black KFC cap. It certainly added an extra layer to the proceedings as well as a solid dose of the absurd. In between songs, he would get up and take a break from whatever he was doing in order to hold up handwritten signs saying things like MASSIVE TOP TATTOO, CURWEN, THE MAIN EVENT and GTA ONLINE. It didn’t take too long before I figured out that these were song titles. I never did quite figure out, however, just what he was looking at on his phone while the other three played. Maybe he was also checking for updates on a cancelled flight? It’s a mystery for the ages, for sure.