Sketch by Damien
Jack White was in town last Saturday to promote his new album (mixed reviews but still hit #1 in Canada) and you would think all the talk would be about his illustrious career, how he would blend his new material with his old, would he play some White Stripes or Raconteurs or Dead Weather songs, or maybe other things like that.
But nope. Everyone just talked about Yondr.
You see, Jack White implemented a no phone policy and Yondr fulfills that requirement by providing everyone with a pouch to put your phone in for the duration of the concert.
There are some pros, I get it, but it also does a good job changing the conversation about the show since it’s at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
Anyways, on to the show. It was surprisingly satisfying. I don’t know why I was surprised, because I have always enjoyed shows with Jack White, but it seems like recent years have painted Jack in a different light – like he’s gone off the rails or can’t control his own worst tendencies as a musician or something. Well, as he proved Saturday night, he still got the songs and the back catalog to reach into.
I didn’t really like his dark blue and black aesthetic he has going on now, but the White Stripes were legendary in how they looked and it’s hard to compare. What I did notice was that Jack White likes to have steps on the stage, for him to walk up and down on whilst he is shredding the guitar. The man is still a great guitar player, and his style of singing hasn’t really changed. They are rapid fire lyrics that go up and down, loud and soft and in that voice that is only Jack White’s.
I was delighted to hear some classic White Stripes songs such as a modified version of “Hotel Yorba,” “Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground,” “Fell in Love With A Girl” and of course, set closer “Seven Nation Army.” Man, “Seven Nation Army” is a freakin’ epic song. It’s probably got one of the most overplayed riffs of all time but that’s because it’s just great. It’s actually one of the few Jack White songs you can actually sing, which is strangely weird.
I also appreciated hearing “Steady As She Goes,” one of the Raconteurs songs that seems to have stood the ravages of time. I think I like that song more now than I did when it came out. In terms of his new material, it’s not awful as many people have claimed, it’s just … different. “Connected By Love” is an attempt in a new direction and I kinda like it. I’m also very glad he decided to not close with it. Among his solo stuff, “Sixteen Saltines” is just a great rocker.
I think one of the differences between his old act and his solo act is that sometimes the cleaner two person sound highlights his songs just a bit better, but who am I to judge?
Anyway, a pleasant night all around.