It’s September, that could only mean one thing in 2016 – TURF. The fourth installation of The Toronto Urban Roots Festival will take place this weekend and hopefully it will not rain or my life will be ruined for those few hours. As luck would have it, Riotfest packed their bags and went back to the states this year so TURF will not have any competition this weekend.
Upon first viewing of the TURF lineup, it’s hard not to notice that the lineup’s diversity is a bit … lacking. However, implying that the TURF lineup is mostly full of middle-aged white men would be ludicrously shallow and too easy even for this blog, which mostly takes the easiest way out possible.
Instead, we will take a look at the bands playing and show how they are a diverse bunch.
Here’s some acts we are looking at
Dropkick Murphys – Boston Irish Bros – Always a good time.
Explosions in the Sky – guitar loving bros – For those who actively hang out in guitar shops. New record is solid.
Jake Bugg – British Soul Bro – For those who love their sensitive singer songwriters with a cup of tea and some biscuits
The Hives – Swedish Rock bros – Long overdue in their return, The Hives are awesome live
Margo Price – Not a Bro – Country singer Margo Price has been on a steady rise, so much so she gets one of the first slots of a music festival on a Friday afternoon. Solid stuff if you can make it.
Simone Denny – Not a Bro (pt 2) – Toronto soul singer Simone Denny gets the great opportunity to be the opener for TURF, and those who make it there in time will be awarded with the most diverse artist on the bill. As a bonus, most people can go see Simone during their lunch hour and then go back to work.
James Bay – Hat Bro – How is this guy headlining?
Ween – Real Bro Bros – Reminds me of being in college in the US in the 90s. Although I have never experienced this
Barenaked Ladies – Innocent Canadian Fun bros – This set will just be all sing-alongs. IF I had a milion dollars..I can’t buy a house (in Toronto)
LUSH – NOT BROS – I am so excited to see Lush. If you don’t know them, you are missing out. Listen to this song:
Guided By Voices – DRUNK ASS Bros – They might play through 40 songs and drink a 40 during their set. It’ll be a blast
The Sheepdogs – Long haired bros – 3 out of 4 Sheepdog members have long hair.
Whitehorse – That Bro who brings his wife to bro’s night bro – Say what you want about Whitehorse, but the couple has been on fleek* recently
*Term that kids told me means cool or some shit.
Death Cab For Cutie – Emo Bro – You’ll be singing out loud to “The Sound of Settling” no matter how hard you try to be cool.
Jimmy Eat World – American College Bro – Oh gawd 20 year old me wants scream the chorus to “The Middle” out loud so bad. Bucket list concert sing-along. Everything, everything will be just fine.
Matthew Good – Apparitions Bro, Apparitions – No lie, I saw Matthew Good Band when I was 18 and they signed a free poster in Edmonton and that was an alright night.
The New Pornographers – Where’s Neko Case, Bro, Bro – Where’s Neko Case? Does it Matter? New Pornographers will always put on a good show and this time around will be no exception.
The Belle Game – Asians representing (not a Bro) – The Belle Game put out a beautiful record a few years ago and they are back at it.
As you can see, the lineup is actually quite diverse.
Who are we kidding, diversity aside, this is a helluva festival and I’ll see you there this weekend.