I don’t read a lot of the PR emails, so I was not sure why I decided to read one that had this in the subject:
“Sleepy Kitty (ex. Harvey Danger)”
Maybe it is because Harvey Danger’s song Flagpole Sitta is the theme show to my favorite comedy of all time (Peep Show). Or maybe it was because that song was also part of this internet famous lip-dub video
This video was the first in a series of work lip-dub videos, I think. All of them were made during the .com boom of a few years ago where people were all like ‘holy, I can make money on the internet?’ and all the 20 somethings joined twitter and became digital strategists/social media/lifestyle gurus. This video was posted in 2007 and at the time, I thought wow what a cool company, until I realized everyone in the office was white. I am now going to dissect this video, because it is me.

This picture paints what an ideal .com mid 2000’s company would be like – open concept, great location (look at the windows) and cute girls. Two of those three are easy to obtain.

Behind this girl are your two typical it guys. The first on the left of the girl is probably a hardcore nerd who runs ubuntu on everything and scoffs at the notion of putting effort behind something as shallow as physical appearance while the other guy just subscribed to GQ magazine in order to upgrade his game, but still is young enough to not want to tuck in his dress shirt with leafs into his pants properly and/or groom his facial hair.
I just realized that analyzing this video would take too long/be really pointless so let’s go back to the email.
Sleepy Kitty is a duo featuring Paige Brubeck and Evan Sult. Sult was the drummer for “alt-radio” band Harvey Danger. What does it say about a band when they can only describe the type of radio station it is played on in the PR email. Anyways, the duo is from St. Louis and they have been impressing some people with their record Projection Room. It features some good honest guitar rock arrangements with the sweet harmonies that highlight Paige Brubeck’s vocal work. It sounds like it could of been from the 90’s, but don’t we all love the 90’s anyway? The duo will be playing a bunch of shows at SXSW, so be sure to check them out if you get a chance.
Thurs, March 13 @ 4:30 – Set.fm Showcase – Hyde Park
Thurs, March 13 @ 9pm – Music Saves Lives – Fire House Lounge (605 Brazos Street)
Fri, March 14 @ 4pm – Red Bull Stage – Darwin’s Pub (223 E 6th Street)
Fri, March 14 @ 11pm – Red Gorilla Showcases – Amped (300 E 6th Street)
Sat, March 15 @ 12pm – Midcoast Takeover Showcase – Shangri La (1016 E 6th Street)
Sat, March 15 @ 11pm – Future of Music Showcase – Shiner’s Saloon (422 Congress Ave)