When I found out that Ricky would be doing a full track by track review of Prism, I got a little excited – finally, Panic Manual is writing about some real music and giving 70s/80s Canadian rockers Prism their due. Way to go, you spaceship superstars!
Then I realized that the Prism album that the internet’s been all aflutter about was in fact the new Katy Perry album. WTF? People are still talking about Katy Perry? I mean, I liked “Hot And Cold” just fine, but let’s move on people. And of course by move on, I mean take an in depth look at a 36 year old album. Let’s break it down:
Spaceship Superstar
The album opens with the synth bleeps and bloops of what would come to be the band’s signature track. It’s a pretty groovin’ little number, a synth enhanced rocker with great lyrical gems such as “Every night is a different flight to a different galaxy/Do a sold-out show, then I hit the road in my starship limousine” and lines about “a solar-powered laser beam guitar.” Come to think of it, those lyrics wouldn’t necesarily be out of place in a Katy Perry song. If you don’t just want to take my word for it about this song though, take the word of those who know: the Youtube commenters. Yes, Youtube comments, where the truest music criticism lives:
“There’s just something that seperates Canadian rock from American rock… IMO old Canadian bands are much more relaxing to listen to, sitting outside on a hot day smoking some herb listening to April Wine, the Guess Who, etc, etc.. is the best” – spidersilva420
“im 13 and i love this song and older artists” – GoBro or GoHome
“Nobody gives a fuck” – Nathan Hines (in reply to GoBro or GoHome)
Open Soul Surgery
This song sounds like Axl Rose fronting Foghat. Which is awesome, obviously.
It’s Over
A soaring soft rock power ballad. You can never get enough of those. I’m sure this one must have killed at those ’70s high school dances.
And Prism’s past life as a jazz rock band rears it’s head as the horns come in here. Though if I had to choose between songs called “Freewill” written by Canadian bands, I’m sorry, Prism, but Rush takes it.
Take Me To The Kaptin
Every rock band worth it’s salt has to have at least one song with a purposely misspelled word in the title if not an album title or the bands name itself. Like “Cum On Feel The Noize” or Thank You (Fallettinme Be Mice Elf Again).” Or The Beatles. We will not speak of Korn though. We will never speak of Korn, no.
The band gets all deep and poetic and historical with a song about Russia.
More lyrical brilliance as they rhyme “Amelia” with “I can feel ya.” You may think I’m joking here but I’m not. Well, not entirely anyways.
You’d think the band might want to separate the songs with girl’s names as titles so they’re not all lumped together, but whatever.
I Ain’t Lookin’ Anymore
The opening riff of this is dangerously close to the opening of BTO’s “Let It Ride.” More sweet horn parts in this one. I ain’t writin’ anymore.
Overall, this is a pretty sweet, perhaps underappreciated gem in the Canrock cannon. Worth a listen if you can find it in a dollar bin somewhere. Or, y’know, if you have the internet. Stay tuned for the inevitable reviews of Ian Thomas, Chilliwack, and Michel Pagliaro.