Willy Moon‘s SXSW show at the Cedar Street Courtyard was something else. So in the style of the content farm Buzzfeed, I will just review his show in images.

Is this really Willy Moon? Or is this GEORGE MCFLY?

Maybe he did some time travel. However, would George Mcfly do this?

I don’t know. I hope that isn’t a shared microphone.
For some information, Willie Moon is a singer who as you might suspect, has fused 50’s era rock and roll with 2000’s sensibilities. What does that mean? I’m not sure, basically, he sounds like he’s from the 50’s if the 50’s had also heard of other types of music. I guess I can say there are other influences in his music. Having lost most of his voice for the show, Willy Moon’s showcase probably didn’t fully showcase his vocal work, however, he made up for that by being an amazing performer.

He danced his ass off, all while wearing a full suit in crisp 100 degree weather. He also threw water into the crowd. Mostly though, he just liked having a microphone in his mouth. Here is his guitarist, who also made the mistake of wearing black on a sunny Texas stage.

Here is Willy asking his guitarist why they didn’t just wear shorts and sandals like everyone.

Eventually the heat was too much and Willy Moon suffered a heat stroke

Nah, just kidding. However, the man is a great performer. Hopefully when he plays next, his voice won’t be shot, but the future seems bright for this one.