A few months ago my esteemed sister and I wrote a “Lyrics that make hipsters’ hearts flutter post.” While it was, among music experts, viewed as a crowning achievement of 2012, it was underwhelmingly “liked” on Panic Manual (not that we obsessively check how many likes we get on our posts. Absolutely not. Shnope!) So we’re giving y’all a second chance to truly appreciate our good taste in ingenious lyrics in 2013. Here goes:
My thoughts are wicked and rotten/my goat don’t want to be gotten/and I had my fill of the whippoorwill/when he broke into song I shot him/leave me alone
Dr. Dog gets it. Sometimes you’re just having one of those days. Like those lovely summer mornings when there’s that one bird that won’t stop chirping outside your window at 5am. Or most Mondays. and Sundays. and Tuesdays. and a lot of Wednesdays too. sometimes Thursdays
Tell me what your boyfriend thinks about your braces/what about them?/I’m all about them.
Yes Sleigh bells! Way to give a well-deserved shout out to all the mature ladies out there working hard to keep their teeth in line. And kudos to all those women who keep their men happy with their dazzling grillz. Dental work for the win!
Don’t you know I’d chop a limb off just to have a good time
Wombats come through in a big way when it comes to quality lyrics. We wish we could claim to love fun as much as this band does. We might be willing to stay up past midnight… sometimes…
Carrots help us see much better in the dark/don’t talk to girls/they’ll break your heart.
Wombats again ftw! This time offering words of wisdom both for the well-being of our physical bodies and emotional state. So keep eating those root vegetables and steer clear of those women. Nothing but trouble.
I am a marathon runner/and my legs are sore/and I’m anxious to see/what I’m running for
Yellow Ostrich also offering true words.to its listeners. You run 26.2 miles… yeah you might hurt a little bit the next day…. and there’d better be something damn good at the end to make it all worthwhile.
We form a tarot pack/and I’m aware of that/but we can fist fight drunk like the parent trap
We don’t really get this lyric but we love it anyway. We don’t know what it means to form a tarot pack and we don’t really remember any drunken fist fights in the parent trap (are we talking the original or the Lindsay Lohan version?) but we love it nonetheless.
You’re alright but I’m here, darling, to enjoy the party/Don’t get too excited ’cause that’s all you get from me, hey/Yeah, I think you’re cute, but I really think that you should know/I just came to say hello, hello, hello, hello
Everytime we hear this Dragonette lyric we just wanna wiggle until dawn. The thought of coming into a party, owning the scene, and not giving a second thought to whatever boy/girl makes your heart flutter is something we’ve always aspired to do. #impossibledreams
Well Jeeze, Louise
Asteroids Galaxy Tour wins for including the most antiquated, and most adorable, turn of phrase in their song.
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go/I love my friends in hell as above and so below/when the rapture comes, if you don’t mind/I’ll be waiting down here and sweating
Is it baller or blasphemous to speak directly to St. Peter in your song? Either way this lyric by YACHT always makes us giggle.
No time for cameras we’ll use our eyes instead/no time for cameras we’ll be gone when we’re dead.
To everyone with >2,000 pictures of themselves on facebook, Matt&Kim are looking at you.
I wish I was a little bit taller/I wish I was a baller/I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her.
We admit, we’re stretching the hipster label and time-frame on this, but we had to give these late 1990s-early 2000s rap lyrics a shout out. Way to call it like it is, Skee-lo. Who doesn’t wish for all of these things? Who wouldn’t love to be able to claim another two inches and have a good looking girl/boy in their life? And hellz yeah you’d call them.