In my ever expanding quest to experience shows of all genres and sizes this summer, I decided to go see the Motley Crue/Kiss double header at the Molson Amphitheatre last night. You could say it was my first ever classic rock show. I have had about five straight late nights in a row now, so constructing some kind of narrative or cohesive review is out the window at this point, go read a book if you want a story.
Here are some of my observations:
– Black shirts everywhere! I did not get the memo. Me and my friend were the only Asians there.
– Pyros Pyros Pyros! Motley Crue loves the flames. Guitars doubled as flamethrowers, girls were twirling sticks with flames on the end
– Speaking of girls, classic move of Motley Crue to have scantily leather clad girls dancing on stage and also in a hoop suspended above the stage. Classic
– Vince Neil, despite having a broken foot, moved around quite well. Motley Crue’s one of those rare bands where they have three rather famous members, all for different reasons it would seem.
– Two of my favorite Motley Crue banter (both they and Kiss had amazing banter) included Tommy Lee saying “PUT YOUR HORNS UP MOTHERFUCKERS!” and Vince Neil asking “Who here has got a bike!” (to which me and my friend both thought he was asking about bicycles)
– It’s cute that parents put Kiss face paint on their children and brought them to the show, but some of them probably should have given their kids earplugs
– Kiss had phenomenal production values and pulled off some amazing moves:

Gene Simmons played on top of the freaking lights!
– The drummer pulled a bazooka from out of nowhere and shot fireworks with it
– I didn’t even know you could have fireworks inside a stage like that. Now I know, both bands used them quite leisurely
– Paul Stanley zip lined over the crowd to a stage setup on a pole.

Maybe my favorite thing were the song introduction done by the bands. It had so much cheese, so much style, it was awesome. For example, Paul Stanley introducing one of the tracks (paraphrasing)
“Listen, are you READY? it’s gonna get hot. Real hot. It’s gonna get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT in here, we’re going to need to call……..the FIREHOUSE!!!!”
*launches into firehouse* track
I want all indie music acts to do this now. Imagine the possibilities!
Darren Rosen (Grizzly Bear): Fans of Grizzly Bear! Are you ready? We are about to start harmonizing the shit out of this song, and you and your friends are going to talk about it … for TWO WEEKS!
Dude from Passion Pit: Look at you guys, you have been a great crowd, but remember it’s good to party, but lets not get…. CARRIED AWAY!
Courtney Taylor Taylor: Thank you for coming to our show, you have been amazing. This is not only the last song..but also, THIS IS THE LAST HIGH!
I could go on forever, but I won’t.
Kiss and Motley Crue two bands I never thought I’d see, putting on a completely enjoyable show. All for fifteen bucks, you can’t really beat that.
Set list – Motley Crue
Saints of Los Angeles
Wild Side
Shout at the Devil
Same Ol’ Situation (S.O.S.)
Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
Home Sweet Home
Drum Solo
Guitar Solo
Live Wire
Primal Scream
Dr. Feelgood
Girls, Girls, Girls
Kickstart My Heart
Set list – Kiss
Detroit Rock City
Shout It Out Loud
I Love It Loud
Hell or Hallelujah
War Machine
Shock Me
Bass Solo
God of Thunder
Love Gun
Lick It Up
Black Diamond
Calling Dr. Love
Rock and Roll All Nite