There are some things that just defy the limits of understanding of the mind: the boundless enormity of the universe, the diversity of life at the bottom of the ocean, the quantity of atoms that make up the entirety of the galaxy, and, most mind-bogglingly shocking of all, the fact that I can get my hands on a pair of Jukebox the Ghost tickets without literally, physically fighting somebody for them.
Whenever Jukebox rolls into town I’m sure this will be the time that every other living soul in Chicago comes to the realization that this band is the best thing since sliced bread (arguably better – who doesn’t love a good dinner roll?) and there will be riots in the streets when tickets are released. Yet somehow, every time tickets go on sale, all I have to do is click that buy button and they’re mine – In.con.ceivable. And yes, in this instance, that word means exactly what I think it means.
Their show Sunday night at Lincoln Hall was nothing short of magical, which is all that I expect from them at this point. Openers Now Now and Savoir Adore kicked off the night right, setting the mood with their particular brand of indie rock and fantasy pop. I was especially taken with ‘loveliest creatures’ by Savoir Adore, which included a synchronized dance that entailed the flapping of arms on “you are the loveliest creature that I ever did see.”
Jukebox the Ghost took the stage the way they always do – with understated good nature, smiling, waving and calling back to their fans’ cheers. There might not be riots and tear gas when tickets are released, but their fan base does appear to be growing (in terms of quantity as well as height, I swear there wasn’t a man under 6 feet in that place), and the venue was chock full of happy fans wiggling in anticipation of yet another amazing show. They weren’t disappointed.
The band started out with ‘Adulthood’, one of my favorites off of their new album ‘Safe Travels’ which was released late last month, and which half of the crowd had already bought and memorized (no shame 2012 – myself included). They also worked their way through classics such as “Victoria” “Schizophrenia” “Good Day” and their signature song “Hold it in.” There simply isn’t a song that this band plays that I dislike – slow, fast, bubbly, angry, dark, light, intense, soft, it doesn’t matter. They bring their distinctive Jukebox tint to everything they do, and with pianist Ben’s soaring falsetto, guitarist Tommy’s powerful riffs and always amusing facial expressions, and drummer Jesse’s “just happy to be here” smile and solid beat they can do no wrong.
Billboard recently did a piece on the band in which their manager is quoted as saying “these guys are honestly the hardest working band I know.” I believe it – Jukebox has come through Chicago on tour six separate times since I moved here two years ago. If they come through your part of town, go see them only if you can deal with so much happiness your head might explode. But if you’re in Chicago and you take the last ticket before I get mine, be warned that it will be on.