There was nothing but love for the Midwest at the Mason Jennings show at the 9:30 club on September 25, 2011.
The show kicked off with a great jam session by The Pines. Hailing from Washingtion(, Iowa) the group’s sound was Mason-esque with a bit of the Eels mixed in. Their songs and their demeanor were great. My sister and I always debate the pros and cons of ‘chatty’ bands versus groups that just take the stage and playnonstopforanhour. I think there are merits to both but it’s much easier for chattier bands to ‘cross the line’ into dangerously irritating behavior than those that play nonstop. With that in mind, The Pines hit a perfect balance, engaging the crowd with some self-deprecating Midwest humor and yielding the stage gracefully and in a timely manner to Mason. They were a great opener and I hope to see them take the mainstage soon.
Then it was Mason time. Finally, the plaid-clad audience was rewarded with the plaid-clad man himself. A bit unkempt, semi-slouchy, and totally smiley, Minnesota’s sweetheart took the stage with his back-up man (Jake? Jeff? It’s a pity I don’t remember his name because he was great – and had the best tortoise-framed old-man glasses, side-part, and highwaters I’ve seen in a while). The duo’s stage set up was unique – in a good way. It was a dark stage with five or six guitars, a drum set, a keyboard, and a table with a harpsichord and harmonica. The idea, Mason explained, was to highlight the movement involved in the music-making. As Mason and “J” moved from song to song they moved from instrument to instrument accompanied by well-placed spot lights: J sitting at the drums + Mason sitting at the keyboard, M + J standing to play on guitars, M standing playing harmonica and guitar + J at the drums. It kept things dynamic and ensured a variety of songs and sounds. Very cool idea and very well executed.
Nicely complimenting The Pines’ stage presence, Mason also proved a ‘chatter.’ He walked us through the rationale behind his last album (exploration of dreams and travel and the intersection of the two),talked about his kids, and ended with the greatest of encore calls: “Whadday’all wanna hear? C’mon, name a song! I’ll play it!”
The entire show was great. A personal highlight was Mason’s performance of Duluth (that song gives me chills recorded – I almost cried hearing it in person. Embarrassing? Perhaps, but true.). If either The Pines or Mason passes by your ‘hood – go.
Mason Jennings – Clutch by MJennings