Toronto – If there was ever a band for which recorded material did not matter, it is Brooklyn’s Matt and Kim. Simply put, the drum and synth duo are best experienced live, as no digital or analog device can match the energy output that they generate. Friday night at the Phoenix was a primary example of their powers. Playing to the largest crowd they ever played to in Toronto, Matt & Kim unleashed their energy to a largly unsuspecting crowd.
The last two times I’ve seen Matt & Kim, it had been in the tiny confines of the Wrongbar and the Whippersnapper gallery. The Phoenix seemed like a large departure for them, but it just speaks to the success that they have had on the heels of their sophomore record Grand. I was a bit skeptical as to how effective their two person show would be on a larger scale.
It only took a few minutes to realize that no matter where they play, Matt & Kim will whip the crowd into a frenzy. Within a few minutes of taking the stage (with fully new light system), hands were in the air as far as the eye can see and people were jumping up and down.
I can’t even begin to describe how awesome Matt and Kim’s stage act is. Matt’s relentless in his pursuit for a party, always urging the crowd to dance and Kim seems to have a permanent smile on her face as she playfully but skillfully bashes on her drums. At one point , Kim threw a bunch of balloons into the crowd, asked the fans to blow them up and throw them in the air (an excellent use of user generated content). Another time, Kim walked onto the crowd and then proceeded to booty dance. It was good fun, which is what a good Friday night concert is about.

Surprisingly, the set list skimped on the new album (Sidewalks, out TOMORROW) in favor of older material and the set ended with their hit song Daylight much to the crowds delight. I am guessing the duo have decided to let the crowd digest the new album first before unleashing them as part of their happy fun hour extravaganza.
I’ve seen Matt and Kim four times now in the past two years and while the formula for their live show remains the same, it still leaves you exhausted, in awe and happy. Go see them now before they play a even larger venue.

Matt and Kim – Cameras by TSB
The new album Sidewalks is out tomorrow.