Austin – It’s been a week since we’ve all returned from our journey to Austin. With some time to reflect, here are our final thoughts.
Best Show
Gary – Fanfarlo at Galaxy Room, March 18; crowd response AND the general way it was carried were both an experience.
Derek – The Temper Trap
Allison – We Were Promised Jetpacks; basically the entire Showcasing Scotland show on Wednesday
Ricky – Marina and the Diamonds..great energy and good crowd response.
Best Show from a band you have never heard before:
Gary – Local Natives and Temper Trap; Temper Trap destroyed their filler expectation, and I’m an ignorant dumbass so I’ve never heard Local Native before this trip.
Derek – That would be most of the shows I saw. The Temper Trap, Local Natives and The Boxer Rebellion definitely stood out.
Allison – Unicorn Kid
Ricky – Definitely the Temper Trap. I guess they were popular already, the dude can sing.
Worse Show
Gary – Galaxy Room backyard, March 17 – the stage management was horrible – bands were playing 3-4 songs a piece and things were constantly delayed because their sound guy would go missing mid-play.
Derek – Steel Train, that and every metal band that was playing whenever I walked by the stage at 8th and Red River
Allison – Whoever that awful industrial band at the Hype Machine party was on Saturday. mosh pit? come on.
Ricky – Street Sweeper Social Club. Bringing back hard rock + rap combo is not a good idea.
Best SXSW Moment
Gary – When we weaseled our way into the Filter party at cedar street courtyard, skipping a 100 ppl line directly to the front of the house… power of the RICKY on full display.
Derek – Filter Party VIP lounge. Temper Trap blew me away and 8 Jack and cokes later I was good to go.
Allison – Seeing Boxer Rebellion despite being sick, or anytime I got free drinks without waiting in a line
Ricky – Climbing over the fence at the French Legation center to see the XX, and then finding out the place where I climbed over was right behind the main stage, allowing me to scoot myself nicely to the side of the stage.
Worse SXSW Moment
Gary – When Stubb’s AND Mohawk both ran out of wristband admission on the same night after 3 hrs of combined waiting and I walked around with a stranger to unheard-of bands but discovered only teensy pop… designs of the RICKY hidden from us.
Derek – Waiting in line in cold for stupid Perez Hilton party
Allison – The ridiculous cold Saturday
Ricky -Stupid lineup at Perez Hilton Party.
There you have it. SXSW, we love ya and we’ll see you next year!