Toronto – What the hell was I thinking? just two days removed from one of the most exhausting trips of my life, I decided to venture out to hipster central (The Social) and check out the incredible remixers/dj act from Brazil known as The Twelves. If you have been reading the Panic Manual consistently, you know that we have blogged about these guys before, and even included several of their remixes on our year end compilation so I guess with that much PM love, a trip to see them DJ was in the cards.
Let’s face it, I am closer to 30 then 20 and when you are at that age, selling a Thursday night dj act at a nightclub to your friends is about as easy as selling a solar powered flashlight to a blind man. Luckily, I was able to corral two of my friends for the show, but just as we arrived at the Social, one of my friends saw the night club, realized it was Thursday and decided to bail. We are that old. I won’t say who it is, but I will say he is six foot eight and his name rhymes with Peeven Keith. But I’m not one to point people out so I’ll just leave it at that.
We arrived way too early at the Social, which resulted in sitting around for about an hour watching hipsters trying to be american apparel models by taking pictures in non chalant poses. The Twelves were supposed to come on at around midnight, but they must of had a Chinese clock, because they showed up 20 minutes late. By this time, my friend was exhausted as hell and I was like shiet.. Did I mention this club was absolutely packed by then? I was surprised.
The Twelves as DJ’s were very good, through out their set they slipped in a lot of the tracks on their mixtapes – Radiohead’s reckoner, the Zeltgeist song, MIA’s boyz and others. Other tunes they mixed in included Thriller and Standing in the way of Control by the Gossip. It was a good show. Whereas Flosstradamus was very good at splicing songs and finding that perfect combination of what goes next, the Twelves will play a song, but then they will play their own remixed version of it, which was pretty cool. One of the dudes had a keyboard which I assumed was used to generate that ‘Twelves’ remixed sound. The crowd was pretty hyped for it and I can say I was glad I went, although now it’s the next day, I’m tired and listening to Belle and Sebastien.
ps. I ran into Isis of Thunderheist and asked her about the incident at the Perez Hilton party where a band came on during their performance and burnt money:

She said that Perez was pissed at them because he thought they had brought them along, and then quoted
“I make money, I don’t burn it”