Toronto – The Go Team. What can you say about them..really? I guess the main ingredient when going to a Go! Team concert is fun. These guys put on a really fun song. In case you don’t know who the go team is, they are a six piece band from England, consisting of two drummers, and some people who play other instruments. The lead singer is some black girl named Ninja, and they also have two japanese people in the band. I don’t know why I mentioned that. What do they sound like? Think happy, and think early 80s saturday morning cartoon theme songs. It is kind hard to describe their sound, its really a mish mash of stuff. Here’s a youtube video of their song Ladyflash:
The show was at the Phoenix, which I have probably ranted before. Actually sooner then later, I will post a ‘Toronto Concert Venue Review’ post or something. The crowd was pretty ramped up for this band, I was disappointed to find out Spiral Beach opened, since I like that band. I might have even caught them if I did not have a soccer game before hand. Funny thing, as I was lining up at the door, the girl in front of me asked the security guard why they always put the 19 and over wrist band on the right hand. He replies ‘its so if we see a wristband on the left hand, we know something fishy is going on.’ Sure enough, as I was entering the adults only section of the phoenix, there was a girl, trying to get in with the wrist band on her left hand. BUSTED. So a lesson to all you underage kids. if you are going to try to get in the drinking zone, pay attention to details.
It always amuses me when I am walking around and I see teenagers wearing like 100 dollar hoodies and 200 dollar jeans. I’m like..damn where the hell do they get that money from?
Anyways, the Go! Team came on around 10:30. Sweet. No video screen (like the show from two years ago), but it was replaced by the two drums having different colored lamps on it. The team immediately started off with some song off the first album. Man, let me tell you something. That girl Ninja can GO. I mean, she can dance for the entire hour and not shed a sweat. The entire band seemed into it, I guess it was the last show of the tour so they gave it their all. However, the star of the show was clearly this lead singer. Man she got moves, and grooves. They aint lying when they say black peeps got them rhythms.
The set consisted of songs off both the new and old albums, I would give you song titles, but you can pretty much just look up the track listings and it’ll provide the same effect. I honestly don’t think this band could put on a band show, their music is just so damn happy feely and they got that “cute” stage presence. The set ended with the double punch of LadyFlash/Huddle Formation before the encore introduced the crowd to new album tune do it right and some other song whos title escapes me.
All in all, excellent show and the crowd was really into it, which pleases me.