Earlier this year, Wilco released their new CD, Sky Blue Sky. As you have probably noticed, Volkswagen has been featuring many of the songs from this CD in their latest TV ad campaign. They are your typical consumer obsessed, I can’t live without my VW, I gotta set my alarm so that I can drive it in the middle of the night because I just love it soooooo much, kind of advertisements.
If you are a 30 year old dude who has a condo, a wife, a golden retriever, and went to a Dave Matthews concert this past summer and got high wearing a hoodie and a pair of underwear with the letters AE stitched into them, then I am sure you love these commercials because you also own a Jetta. Hell, if I had to by a car, I’d probably buy a Jetta too…
… but I don’t like these commercials.
Now you can go to any number of sites and read the typical “Wilco, I used to love you, but now I hate you for selling out” argument, but that isn’t why I hate these spots so much.
I listened to Sky Blue Sky all summer and as far as a chill out Wilco album goes, it is pretty good background music for driving. Now really, I didn’t mind the Volkswagen commercials when I first saw them. It was only after the one-billionth time that I had to sit through them that they really got annoying.
OK, I fucking get it Volkswagen; you are a cool company that makes some stylish, fuel efficient cars. I get it. Now please lay off.
And while I’m at it, Mr. Apple, you can lay off the Feist. The bitch knows how to count to four. I get that too.