Toronto – In my wonderful world of code and numbers, CSS is known as Cascading Style Sheets, a crucial element of the internet that dictates how pages like the one you are seeing now will look on web browsers. However, in the cruel, sweet world of indie music, CSS is better known as Cansei de Ser Sexy, the Brazilian dance-rock consisting of a bunch of chicks and one dude. On a warm Monday night, this band played a sold out show at Lee’s Palace and I was in attendance.
The opening act sucked, it was some dude named Busdriver and not Bonde Do Role as promised, so the show started off on a down point. The other negative was that I was stupid enough to wear flip flops to a sold out show..a sold out dance rock show where people were bound to move in mysterious (and sometimes awkward) ways. That was not the smartest decision I have made lately, but really, its flip flop season, so who’s to blame?
The band came on around 11:30, to much applause. I was like wow..lots of people really like this band..cool. They brought out balloons and threw them everywhere, which meant ..this will be a fun show. Note to bands in the future: balloons are a good way to start off a show. I was pretty surprised to see their lead singer was Asian (later looked it up, she’s a mix). Man, this girl had energy. After the first show, she changed into a jumpsuit and for the rest of the night, she was dancing left and right, shoving the mic into the fans in the front row for them to sing, and crowd surfing. It was pretty awesome. The show itself was really high energy people were dancing left and right, and even on the ledges that line up the sides of Lees Palace.
They played a 35 minute set or so, then came out for a 3 song encore which ended up with their big hit (about a local band) called ‘lets make love and listen to death from above’. I wonder if they knew that the band its called death from above 1979, but then that’d throw off the rhyme completely I guess. Overall I think it was a really good show and everyone had fun, which is all you can ask for on a Monday night. My feet only got stepped on once too, so that was nice.
Rating: 4/5
PS. If you want a sample of what a CSS show is, go to http://www.fabchannel.com
they have a lot of concert vids.